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Downloading , Defusing and Debriefing
Downloading defusing & debriefing.jpg

This 2-day workshop uses empathy and partnership.  It offers an opportunity for senior practitioners and leaders to develop their expertise in supporting peers and teams at times of increased stress.  Using a number of tools and techniques, participants will be able to identify and respond to different levels of workplace crisis and distress. 

The debriefing component is designed as an introduction to a comprehensive team approach to 'critical incident stress debriefing' across an organisation.  This would normally be followed with a comprehensive training and support package.  This involves careful identification, selection and training of suitable candidates and includes a wrap around supervision and quality assurance programme that should be embedded into organisation policy and procedure.

Workshops are highly interactive and participatory, involving, development of knowledge through facilitated group discussions, knowledge and skills generating activities, reflection, practice and play.

Benefits include:

  • building capability in group and individual downloading and defusing activities

  • provide effective tools to minimise psychological impact of working with people

  • decrease the risk of post-traumatic stress symptoms and reduce compassion fatigue

Empathy in Action

This 2-day workshop draws on the WorkSafe NZ Stress guidelines, CBT, personality types theory and 'empathic action'. in the workplace.  Resources for increasing healthy work and decreasing negative aspects of work have been drawn together to help participants explore, identify and action these two separate sets of activities.


Developing  working definitions are essential to develop a shared understanding about what healthy work looks like and what employees and employers need to do to achieve this.


Creating healthy work is collaborative, both employees and employers (supervisors/managers as agents) have rights and responsibilities, including the maintenance of a balance between home and work.


It's not something that is compulsory, it requires respect for each other’s roles, listening, a mutual understanding and give and take.

Benefits include,

  • understanding 'empathic action' at work and how to use it in teams

  • developing a shared understanding of the 'stress in the workplace' theories

  • understanding

    the WorkSafe NZ workplace analysis tool

  • identifying stressors at home and work, increasing self-awareness and developing skills to respond

Supervision For Change

This 3-day workshop draws on core theories and frameworks from My Working World (Ellis 2016), the Family Partnership Model (Davis & Day, 2010; Day et al 2015) and the 4 C’s Theory of Change (Control, Connection, Competence, Confidence)(Ellis 2014),


Integrating evidence based practice from the mental health, psychotherapy and social care supervision literature.


The What it Takes team has extensive combined experience, spanning 3 decades, in both education and delivery of supervision practice in social care, mental health and education settings with a wide range of practitioners,

Current practice and evidence-based theories are explored to enhance and deepen the practice of managers and supervisors, increasing supervision and leadership capabilities.

Benefits include,

  • building capability to support best practice and facilitate change

  • purposeful supervision that balances the organisation demands and practitioner support

  •  enhanced practitioner accountability and development

  • development of a shared framework, language and outcomes across the organisation

De-escalation & Breakaways

This 1-day workshop offers a clear principle guided framework to support practitioners to intervene safely in escalating situations or where high levels of emotional arousal are present. 


Escalating factors will be explored with 3 guiding questions for each scenario: Can I meet this persons needs? Am I being respectful and dignified? Will my response maintain safety?


The proxemics and breakaway techniques are designed to assist practitioners to respond appropriately to people who escalate to a physical level.  This is not self defence, the techniques are designed to breakaway from a hair pull, strangle hold back and front and a wrist grab. 


They all include basic balance and creating a safe personal space. 


Benefits include,

  • increased confidence and skills in de-escalation

  • enhanced personal safety and awareness of heightening situations

  • development of consistent responses to situations across teams and organisations

Inspiring and enabling people to lead and work in complex spaces

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